Warcraft PC cheats

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Cheat codes

To enable these cheat codes hit enter, type one of the codes and then hit enter again. First, use the Corwin Master Code to enable the others. CORWIN OF AMBERM enables the use of the codes below:

THERE CAN ONLY BE ONE - Makes all of your soldiers invincible to everything except catapults, and can kill an enemy in one hit.
HUMAN# - Warp to any human mission. Replace # with the number of the mission you want to warp to.
ORC# - Warp to any orc mission. Replace # with the number of the mission you want to warp to.
HURRY UP GUYS - Speeds up construction and research.
EYE OF NEWT - Gets all magic spells available to your team.
IRON FORGE - Get the best weapon and shield strength.
SALLY SHEARS - Get full map (a help).
POT OF GOLD - Get ten thousand more gold and five thousand more lumber.
IDES OF MARCH - Takes you to the final sequence.
YOURS TRULY - Takes you to the victory sequence.
CRUSHING DEFEAT - Takes you to the failure sequence.

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