007 Agent Under Fire PS2 cheats

level 80
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Cheat codes

Golden CH-6
Beat level two with fifty thousand or more points.

Infinite missiles while in the car
Beat level three with seventy thousand or more points.

Get Mp model - poseidon guard
Get 130,000 points and all 007 medallions for level eleven.

Get regenerative armor
Get 130,000 points for level eleven.

Get golden bullets
Get 120,000 points for level ten.

Get golden armour
Get 110,000 points for level nine.

Get MP weapon - calypso
Get 100,000 and all 007 medallions for level eight.

Get rapid fire
Get 100,000 points for level eight.

Get MP model - carrier guard
Get 130,000 points and all 007 medallions for level twelve.

Get unlimited ammo for golden gun
Get 130,000 points on level twelve.

Get Mp weapon - Viper
Get ninety thousand points and all 007 medallions for level six.

Get Mp model - Guard
Get ninety thousand points and all 007 medallions for level five.

Mp modifier - full arsenal
Get 110,000 points and all 007 medallions in level nine.

Get golden clip
Get ninety thousand points for level five.

Get MP power up - Gravity boots
Get seventy thousand points and all 007 medallions for level four.

Get golden accuracy
Get seventy thousand points for level four.

Get mp model - Alpine Guard
Get 100,000 points and all gold medallions for level seven.

Get (sweet) car Lotus Espirit
Get 100,000 points for level seven.

Get golden grenades
Get ninety thousand points for level six.

Get Mp model Stealth Bond
Get seventy thousand points and all gold medallions for level three.

Get Golden Gun mode for (MP)
Get fifty thousand points and all 007 medallions for level two.

Get rocket manor (MP)
Get fifty thousand points and all gold 007 medallions on first level.

Hidden Room
On the level - Bad Diplomacy - get to the second floor. Go right when you leave the lift. Go to the very end point and you will find a door. When you try to open it you should find it's locked. Put on your Q-Specs. Now look left and you'll find a hidden door open it and inside is armour and ammunition.

Various point multipliers
To get the most out of the points allocated at the end of the levels try usng these helpful hints.

"The night of the jackal" - when the jackal is standing in front of the crane once she is nearly dead, go to the right hand side of the room. Press the green flashing button this knocks her into the big vat of hot stuff and kills her without wasting ammunition and health.

"Oilrig" - after you have finished off the men next to the helipad, go into the lab and use the "Q-Remote" on the flashing green computer. Now you can control any crane on the level. The first crane, outside the lab will drop a crate containing grenades. The second and third crane is accessible through a secret vent. This is at the second meeting with the boss guy. Go left and use the laser on the vent, crawl through and open the big shutter door. Then use the remote on the cranes and jump across the boxes until you reach the land. Then you can pick off the enemies more easily and avoid that sniper! This also improves your points at the end of the level.

"The Night of the Jackal" - when trying to reach the apartment use the Q-Claw to reach up onto the sniper's balcony. Pick up his gun and this gives you something to snipe men with and gives you bonus points at the end of the level.

Get An Easy Bond Move
In Bad Diplomacy when you get outside to climb up the ladder - instead go out all the way to the rail and look up behind you. You will see something like a speaker. Use your claw to get up there and you have a Bond move.

Disable Lasers
On the level Bad Diplomacy go up to the blue floor lasers and put on the Q specs. You'll see a tiny door. Open it and use the Q laser on the wires to disable them.

Get Armoury Key Card
In the first mission there is a locked armoury to the left if you went in the front door; it contains grenades and a bazooka. To get the key card enter by using the claw on the vent outside. At the end of the catwalk you will drop down and see a guard facing away. Drop in, get right on top of him and hit him with your fist, he should go down in one or two hits and you will get the key card if you're close enough.

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